The Cultural and Semiotics Dimensions of Benjang Helaran on the Three Elements of Wirama, Wirasa and Wiraga
Benjang Helaran is a traditional Sundanese performance art which offers a rich representation of the cultural and semiotic dimensions embedded within Sundanese society. This paper examines Benjang Helaran through the three foundational elements of Sundanese dance: Wirama (rhythm), Wirasa (emotion), and Wiraga (physical movement). These elements are not only essential to the structure and performance of the dance but also serve as semiotic tools that convey complex cultural meanings and social values. This paper explored the interconnection between dances (movement) to semiotics dimensions. The theories applied in this paper were Blanariu (2023) regarding deeper meanings encoded within the movements, costumes, and music of Sundanese dance and Indraswara (2024) about Benjang in aspect of culture and local wisdom. The findings showed that Wirama reflected the harmony between the dance and the natural cycles, symbolizing cosmic order and community balance. Meanwhile Wirasa let dancers to communicate feelings and spirituality, creating a connection between performers and the audience. The last part was Wiraga; embodied Sundanese ideals of beauty, discipline, and grace, each gesture and posture carrying symbolic weight within the cultural narrative. Through this exploration, the paper argues that Benjang Helaran, when analyzed through the triad of Wirama, Wirasa, and Wiraga, functions as both a cultural artifact and a semiotic system. It not only preserves and transmits Sundanese cultural identity but also communicates complex messages about societal values, beliefs, and emotional experiences. This integration of cultural and semiotic dimensions underscores the deep interconnection between performance and meaning in Sundanese traditions.
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