Main Duties and Functions of Intelligence Police in Preventing Radicalism Among Dayah/Santri in Pidie District, Aceh
Radicalism is an ideology or philosophy that calls for strong and drastic social or political reform, which creates dissatisfaction and instability in society. The intelligence section of the National Police is very important in providing advice to the government regarding improving public security and order. Therefore, the role and function of intelligence are needed so that they can carry out their duties and respond to the evolution of the Kamtibmas (Public Security and Order) paradigm that occurs in their field of work. This study aims to identify the roles of the National Police Intelkam in preventing and overcoming radicalism in dayah / students in Pidie Regency, Aceh. The study was conducted using normative legal research, which tries to examine the problem by integrating legal texts (which are secondary data). The results of the study show that the National Police as an institution that has the authority to enforce the law formed an Anti-Terror Task Force called the Special Detachment 88 Anti-Terror POLRI (Densus 88 / AT). In relation to the role, the Pidie Police can of course be seen in overcoming radicalism in Pidie Regency. In overcoming the influence of radicalism in Pidie Regency, the Pidie Police have so far done various ways. The prominent way to overcome the influence of radicalism is by working together with community leaders, religious leaders, and traditional leaders as well as local leaders who are role models for the local community to provide guidance and counseling to the community in the hope of being able to stem the influence of radicalism in the community, especially the community of Pidie Regency.
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