Developing “Neurolinguistics in Elementary School” Textbook to Support Lectures in the Master of Elementary Education
This study aims to develop a textbook "Neurolinguistics in Primary Schools" to support lectures in Master of Elementary Education. The book is designed to help students understand the relationship between language and the nervous system, as well as its application in learning in elementary schools. The study used the ADDIE development model, focusing on the development stage, which includes material analysis, design, and validation by experts. The validation results show that the book is of excellent quality, with a score of 96% from the material expert and 97% from the linguist. The book is considered clear, relevant, and comprehensive in meeting learning needs. Practicality tests showed that students found it easy to understand, well-aligned with classroom contexts, and directly applicable to teaching. This textbook is expected to be an essential resource for students in integrating neurolinguistics into their teaching practices, while also contributing to the overall improvement of elementary education quality.
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