Factors that Affecting the Intention on Saving of the Students in the Faculty of Economics and Business
This research analyzes the factors that affect the intention of saving. The object of this research is the Students in the Faculty of Economics and Business State University of Surabaya Class of 2023. The data collection that used in this research is online questionnaires addressed to the 250 respondents that has been determined by proportioned stratified random sampling. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis tehcniques in IBM AMOS version 24 software to produce the research output. The result of this study shows that peer influence, financial inclusion, financial literacy, parental socialization, motivation, and pocket money significantly affect saving intention. This research aims to socialize the importance of knowledge in managing finances and making a personal financial plan to achieve future financial goals, especially for the Students in the Faculty of Economics and Business State University of Surabaya Class of 2023.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i11.6239
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