The Effect of Job insecurity on Innovative Work Behavior: A Systematic Review
Job insecurity and innovative work behavior are critical areas of research because of their substantial impact on both individual and organizational performance. However, the effect of job insecurity on innovative work behavior remains unclear, potentially due to differences in how job insecurity is conceptualized and measured (quantitative, qualitative, and aggregated). This systematic review aims to map these effects and explore the roles of mediators and moderators. Using the PRISMA guidelines, 19 studies with a total of 8,685 participants were analyzed. The findings reveal that quantitative job insecurity predominantly has a negative effect on innovative work behavior, while qualitative job insecurity shows more nuanced outcomes. Key mediators identified include organizational commitment, job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, and work engagement. Notably, the role of moderators in this relationship has not been thoroughly examined, highlighting a significant area for future research.
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