Comparison of Word Structure by Suffixes in Russian and Dari languages
The role of morphemes in every language and in the Russian language and the Dari language is very great, because it is with their help that new words and word forms are formed. The morphemic method is a way of forming words using morphemes. Morpheme is a significant part of a word that serves to form a number of words and forms. In Russian and Dari, a morpheme that is involved in the formation of a new word is called word-forming. If a morpheme serves to form the forms of a word, then it is formative. Morphemes occupy a special place in the Dari language and are responsible for word formation in the structure of the Dari language. From the point of view of usage, there are two types of morphemes in the Dari language: free and not free (closed). The alphabet of the Russian language and the Dari language are not the same in terms of form and suffixes for designation. Purpose: The purpose of this research work is to compare suffixes and reveal the importance and significance of suffixes in Russian and in Dari language. It helps to better know the structure of words in two languages and spicily helps translators in translation. Method: In writing this article, the qualitative and comparative method is used in terms of structure. By these methods in Russian and Dari languages shows, the most important role of suffix to make new words. The suffix shows the speaker's attitude towards what he is reporting; this attitude can be positive, negative, rude, affectionate or mocking. Prefixes also play an important role in the Russian language.
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