Ecocide in Aesna's Novel Cerita Bumi Tahun 2683: An Ecocritical Discourse Analysis
Aesna's novel Cerita Bumi Tahun 2683 raises environmental concerns. Acts of ecocide threaten the existence of living things on earth by causing damage to the natural environment. Ecocide threatens the natural environment on the island of Borneo. The purpose of this research is to analyze and explain the form of ecocide that occurs in the novel Cerita Bumi Tahun 2683 and to reveal the impact of ecocide through the theoretical study of ecocritical discourse analysis. This research employs a qualitative approach, utilizing data from the novel Cerita Bumi Tahun 2683 as its primary source. The result of this research is that the novel Cerita Bumi Tahun 2683 contains a form of ecocide and the impact of ecocide that threatens the environment and other living things.
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