Development of e-Modules Based on Realistic Mathematics Learning Oriented to Mathematical Problem Solving, Divergent Thinking Ability and Learning Interest of Junior High School Students
This R&D research is motivated by the non-optimal use of mobile phones in learning, in addition to the low problem-solving ability is a problem in the building materials of flat-sided spaces, students are not used to practicing divergent thinking skills as a factor in solving problems. This research method uses the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) development model. Analyze is the stage of analyzing the needs of students and materials, Design is the stage of product design and product product design, Development is the stage of e-module development which includes product validation and product revision, implementation is the stage of product application on the subject of research, evaluation It is an improvement stage based on input during implementation. The e-module validity measurement tool uses an expert validation sheet instrument. The e-module practicality measuring tool uses a practicality questionnaire. Meanwhile, the effectiveness measurement tool uses a problem-solving ability test, a divergent thinking ability test and a student learning interest questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, the following results were obtained: 1) the e-module obtained valid criteria with a percentage value of 90% in the media aspect and 90% in the material aspect, 2) the e-module obtained practical criteria with a percentage value of 94% from teachers and 79% from students, and 3) e-module was effective on students' problem-solving skills, divergent thinking skills and learning interests. In the problem-solving ability test, the number of students who obtained scores that reached KKM was 29 students with a percentage of 88%. In the divergent thinking ability test, the number of students who obtained a score of KKM was 29 students with a percentage of 88%. Based on the results of the student learning interest questionnaire, students' learning interest after using the e-module reached very good criteria with a percentage of 82%. Based on the results of the test and the results of the learning interest questionnaire, the e-module obtained effective criteria for students' problem-solving skills, divergent thinking skills and learning interests.
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