The Effect of the PMRI Approach with STAD on the Conceptual Understanding Ability, Numeracy Ability, and Mathematical Disposition

Silfi Nisa Fitriana, Sugiman Sugiman


Conceptual understanding, numeracy ability, and mathematical disposition are a skill that students need, because having these three skills, students are able to solve various problems in everyday life. The Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach with the setting of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) is used to improve students' conceptual understanding, numeracy ability, and mathematical dispositions. This study aims to describe the effect of implementing the PMRI approach with STAD settings on students' conceptual understanding, numeracy ability, and mathematical dispositions. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a pretest- posttest non-equivalent group design, with two class groups. Experimental class receiving treatment in the form of the PMRI approach with STAD, meanwhile control class receiving treatment conventional approach. Data collection techniques included tests consisting of pretest and posttest assessments of students' conceptual understanding and numeracy ability, as well as pre-nontest and post-nontest assessments of students' mathematical disposition. Hypothesis testing was conducted a t-test for two independent samples. The research results show that learning using the PMRI approach with the STAD setting is influential in terms of students' conceptual understanding, numeracy ability, and students' mathematical disposition.


Students' Mathematical Disposition, Numeracy Skills, Conceptual Understanding, Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education, Student Teams Achievement Division .

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