The Role of Protean Career on Positive Behavior of Organizational Members
The aim of this study is to see how far protean careers can predict positive organizational citizenship behaviors, specifically OCB-I and OCB-O. A Protean Career (PC) is a flexible/dynamic career orientation chosen by the individual, not determined by the organization (Hall, 2004). Initially, a protean career was explained based on two dimensions, namely value-driven career attitude and self-driven career attitude, but these two dimensions do not have significant conceptual differences, so Protean Career is considered a value-driven career attitude (Volmer and Spurk, 2011). Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) refers to positive behaviors where workers go beyond their core tasks and aim to support the organization either personally or through participation in the social/organizational environment (Podsakoff, 2009). OCB itself has two dimensions: OCB-I and OCB-O. The participants in the study totaled 3,806. All participants (100%) are female contract employees at PT XYZ. To measure PC, the measurement tool/scale from Briscoe's (2006) concept was used, consisting of two dimensions: value-driven career attitude (VDCA) and self-directed career attitude (SDCA); while to measure OCB, the OCB scale (OCB-I and OCB-O) used by Lee and Allen (2002) was utilized. The results of this study indicate that Protean Career has a positive role in OCB-I and OCB-O.
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