Evaluating the Concept of Happiness in the Educational Philosophy of Nell Noddings and Criticizing it Based on the Traditions and Hadiths of the Infallible Imams (PBUH) in Order to Provide a Theoretical Framework and Validate It
Daily happiness occurs in different dimensions of human life. The personal, social and academic life of people is full of components that each complete a part of their happiness. Man's achievement of happiness through each of the components in different dimensions of life requires the importance that man attaches to being happy and living happily. The purpose of the current research is to explain the concept of happiness in Nodding's educational philosophy and criticize it based on the traditions and hadiths of the infallible Imams (PBUH) in order to provide a theoretical framework and validate it by using the method of concept analysis, inference, criticism and focus group. Findings show that Noddings classifies happiness in three spheres of personal, social and school life, each of which has an effective role in creating and directing happiness. According to Islamic texts, matters related to happiness have realities that originate from divine monotheism, and what brings happiness is knowing these realities and adjusting oneself and living with them. Nodding's happiness due to the emphasis on biological and motivational characteristics, neglecting the religious dimensions of the components in creating happiness, being limited to the communication fields related to humans, others and everyday experiences and neglecting the fields of communication with God, emphasizing relativity Feminism, emphasis on partiality and ignoring the principle of comprehensiveness and the predominance of the feminine view over the religious view are criticized.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.6152
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