The Directive Speech Patterns as the Implementation of Teacher Interaction Styles

Gigit Mujianto, Lilik Wahyuni, Nuria Reny Hariyati, Sudjalil Sudjalil


The application of the teacher's interaction style by managing transfer of speech with directive speech is a superior skill in learning Indonesian. This is because teachers are required to implement Indonesian language learning which can develop critical, creative, communicative and collaborative characters in students. Therefore, this research aims to describe the transfer of speech through taking turns speaking and giving turns to speak with directive speech as a form of implementing the teacher's interaction style in Indonesian language learning to increase students' active participation in developing critical, creative, communicative and collaborative skills. The approach used in this research is the classroom discourse approach. This classroom discourse approach directs analysis to data obtained from formal and planned conversational interactions (plan discourse). The focus of this conversational interaction lies on the teacher, as the determiner of the topic of conversation. These three main things appear in this Indonesian language learning research in the form of: (1) students give real responses to the learning stimulants given by the teacher, (2) students express more opinions on the information conveyed by the teacher or on the opinions put forward by other students, providing more information, (3) students make their own learning conclusions using their own language and methods, both individually and in groups, (4) students make optimal use of their activities, responding to the learning stimulus provided by the teacher, (5) students who ask questions, both to the teacher and other students, and (6) students make their own assessments of the results of their work. 


Transfer of Speech; Directive Speech; Interaction

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