The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Learning with Mathigon on Problem Solving, Mathematical Connection, and Self-Efficacy
This study aims to describe the difference in effectiveness between guided inquiry learning assisted by mathigon and scientific learning in terms of problem-solving ability and mathematical connections in superior student groups and students. This research is quasi-experimental research with the form of pretest-post-test non-equivalent group design. Data collection was carried out at one of the public junior high schools in Biak Numfor Regency in the 2023/2024 school year. The research sample consisted of two experimental classes that were given treatment in the form of guided inquiry learning assisted by mathigon, namely classes VIII C and VIII D and two control classes, namely VIII B and VIII E with scientific learning. In the experimental class and control class, superior students and ordinary students were selected. Data collection techniques used in the form of giving pretests and post-tests related to problem solving and mathematical connections. Hypothesis testing used independent sample t-test statistics. The results showed that guided inquiry learning assisted by mathigon was more effective than scientific learning in terms of problem solving and mathematical connections in groups of superior students and ordinary students.
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