"Eloy de la Iglesia"’s Cinematic Adaptation of Henry James’s “The Turn of the Screw”: The Reversal of Roles in Otra Vuelta de la Tuerca (1985) in the Light of Psychological Realism

Sima Gharibey, Laleh Atashi, Alireza Anushiravani


This interdisciplinary study studies the reversal of roles of the deceased governess and the tutor superseding her in Eloy de la Iglesia’s Otra Vuelta de la Tuerca (1985) and analyzes the process through which it occurs via semiotics, images and symbols deployed comprising psychological realism. It also studies the process through which the tutor confronts his acquired position’s being jeopardized.  It discusses how Iglesia in this cinematic adaptation of ‘The Turn of the Screw” challenges and destabilizes structures ascribed to both genders and their established roles and functions. 


Reversal of Roles; Genders; Nature; Psychological Realism; The Turn of the Screw

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i10.6113


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