A Literature Review Regarding the Position of Adversity Quotient in Mathematics Learning
The adversity quotient is the ability of the student to control themselves when facing problems and how the student can find a solution to the problems encountered to get out of difficulties. This research is a literature review that focuses on the position of adversity quotient in mathematical learning. This study reviewed 24 articles from Scopus, ERIC, and Science Direct. The research review of the position of adversity quotient in mathematical learning in this study explores three aspects including 1) the type of research used, 2) the research subject used, and 3) the position of adversity quotient in the learning of mathematics. Research on the position of adversity quotient in mathematical learning shows that 1) research with quantitative and qualitative types are the most common research types, 2) students on the junior high school bench become research subjects that dominate, 3) the position of adversity quotient in students' cognitive abilities is very much like critical thinking, learning outcomes and others however, based on the results of the review, cognitive abilities are dominated by students' ability to solve mathematical problems.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.6109
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