The Use of Japanese Information Applications to Increase Insights about Life in Japan (A Study of Students of SMK N 1 Kedawung, Indonesia)

Abdul Latif Jaohari, Hety Nurohmah, Aan Amalia Aan Amalia


Indonesia and Japan have a long history in the past. However, currently Japan has become one of the countries with extraordinary economic power so that Indonesia has a lot of cooperation with Japan. One form of this cooperation is in the field of culture which includes how Japanese people live their daily lives. This aspect of life is one that is good to study so that we can imitate and apply good things in our daily lives. From the results of initial observations, students at SMK N 1 Kedawung still do not know about life in Japan. In connection with this, we provide a solution for an introduction method about life in Japan through the Japanese information application. From the results of the questionnaire, it is very clear that learning through information applications is very popular with students so that they are encouraged to study more deeply.


Information Apps; Life in Japan; Japanese Culture; Learning

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