Globalization Theory of Foreign Companies Regarding Afghanistan Law
A foreign company without a host country (Afghanistan) is meaningless. Scientists consider the theoretical basic of foreign companies with no regard to its origin from investor perspective which is the momentum for obtaining interest. However, foreign company’ activity requires providing certain conditions. Foreign companies’ activity is not merely a technical issue but it is a law process that requires suitable conditions for foreign investment and supporting them. Without providing suitable condition by Afghanistan government, foreign companies won’t be able to obtain interest. The suitable situation is formed according to Afghanistan’s interdependence to absorb capital, advanced technology, joining international markets, reducing consumer’s costs, increasing employment and competing with other countries. Conversely, the foreign companies compete with one another to get the raw materials, control the market and obtain a certain interest if the suitable condition is formed by Afghanistan. Globalization provides the condition for foreign companies to offer goods and services regarding consumer’s taste and interest by exceeding geographical boundaries and linking the world parts. The present article aims at analyzing and criticizing the theoretical basics for foreign companies from the investor perspective. Also the globalization theory for foreign companies from two perspectives i.e. the country that invests (investor) and the country which is invested on has been presented.
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