Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment and Occupation in International Labor Documents

Qsem Ali Sadaqat


The necessity of equality of opportunity and elimination of discrimination in recruitment and employment is one of the important international labor standards. discrimination in work means any priority, preference, and exclusion based on unreasonable and logical grounds that harm or destroy equal opportunity and equal treatment in employment and occupation. The index of discrimination is social dynamics in two types, i.e. inter-generational and international. Eliminating discrimination in employment and occupation is one of the important standards of international labor law, which in its various forms should be gradually eliminated by countries. On the other hand, it is clear from international labor documents that different behaviors are not included in the scope of discrimination, and on the other hand, discrimination has effects and consequences that should not be neglected. The international standards of work in the mentioned fields have been analyzed and evaluated in this article with a descriptive-analytical method.


Discrimination and Equal Opportunity, Employment, Legitimate Differences, International Labor Conventions, International Labor Standards

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