Anthropometry and Physical Condition Factors for Determining the Speed of Sickle Kick

Marissa Afrokha, Awan Hariono


This research aims to determine the anatomical and physiological factors of the body that have a correlation and role in the speed of sickle kicks of pencak silat athletes. The basic anatomical (anthropometric) factors studied include body height and leg length. Meanwhile, the physiological factors (physical condition) studied include speed, agility, leg power, anaerobic endurance, balance, and flexibility. This research examines the fighting category in men's class C, which is the fighting category that dominates most adolescent pencak silat matches. This research used a quantitative approach with a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method which tested the consistency of indicators that had been grouped based on latent variables. All data obtained, processed, and tested went through several stages then would be eliminated if it did not meet the criteria to pass the test. The research population was adolescent pencak silat athletes aged 14-17 years old in Wonosobo Regency. The research location was conducted at 3 (three) high schools which had pencak silat training units and had trained athletes in the men's class C fighting category. The research samples were 15 people taken by using a purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were observation and documentation. The results of the research show that out of 9 latent factor variables, 8 variables are obtained which are the determining factors for the speed of the sickle kick. These factors with their role values are body weight (0.748), height (0.536), leg length (0.834), anaerobic endurance (0.838), speed (0.817), agility (0.876), leg power (0.856), and flexibility (0.902). Meanwhile, the balance is eliminated during the first analysis.


Anthropometry; CFA; Speed, Physical Condition; Pencak Silat; Sickle Kick

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