Development of Newmedia for Efectivity Instructional Communication
Biological abstract concept often becomes obstacles for students in understanding the material so that the mastery of learning material is not completed. One way to present whether the information is difficult or not, such as the internal organ of the body, is to make it into student worksheet with a marker that is combined with Augmented Reality technology, which helps students in understanding the internal organ of human body. The method of this research is using The ADDIE model has been used as a research methodology. In this model, there are five main phases of analysis (A), design (D), development (D), implementation (I) and evaluation (E). The trial in this study is using emulator, mobile device, and questionnaire. The subjects of this research are high school students of class XI. This development research results showed the student worksheet-based mobile application using Augmented Reality technology can increase student interest in studying biological materials at the high school level.
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