The Influence of Flash Sale and Live Streaming on Repurchase Intention Mediated by Impulsive Buying
This study examines the effect of flash sales and live streaming on repurchase intention with impulsive buying as a mediating variable. Utilizing a quantitative approach, it investigates phenomena by collecting numerical data and analyzing it with statistical methods. The research population was TikTok Shop users, and the sample was drawn using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method with a minimum of 100 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed online using Google Forms. Data analysis was conducted using the PLS (Partial Least Square) method using Smart-PLS 3.0 software, which allows testing measurement models and structural models simultaneously to test validity, reliability, and causal relationships between latent variables. The findings of this study reveal that both flash sales and live streaming have a positive and significant impact on repurchase intention. This indicates that effective flash sales and frequent live-streaming sessions can encourage consumers to shop again. However, when it comes to impulsive buying, flash sales and live streaming both have positive but insignificant effects, suggesting that these marketing strategies do not significantly drive impulsive buying behavior. Impulsive buying itself plays a crucial role, as it significantly influences repurchase intention, meaning that higher impulsive buying leads to an increased likelihood of repurchasing. Additionally, impulsive buying partially mediates the effect of live streaming on repurchase intention, while it fully mediates the effect of flash sales on repurchase intention. This suggests that impulsive buying acts as a pathway between these marketing strategies and consumers’ repurchase behavior, particularly for live streaming.
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