Investigating the Possibility of Stratification of Poor Households in Islam with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method

Mostafa Kazemi Najaf Abadi, Seyyed Hamid Joshghani, Mirhossein Naseri


The efficient allocation of support resources to the poor and needy is one of the basic challenges in the policies, programs and actions of countries to reduce poverty until it is completely eradicated, one of the main factors of which is the neglect of priorities based on the real dimensions and standards of poverty. In this research, which was carried out with a descriptive and survey method, the dimensions and criteria of poverty were investigated and categorized with the Islamic approach, and then weighted and importance was measured using the opinion of elites and experts in the form of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. Then, the poor households are leveled based on the importance of their type of need, so that they can be prioritized for assistance and support programs accordingly. The results of the research indicate that the households suffering from welfare, ability and participation poverty are in the first, second and third level respectively in terms of importance of need. In the stratification of poor households based on the criteria of each of the dimensions of poverty, the results show that households with income poverty are in the first level, households in poverty due to employment are in the second level, households without assets and health are in the third level, and households with education problems are in the second level. Fourth, households with housing problems are placed on the fifth level, and other needy households are placed on the next levels.


Poverty; Poverty Dimensions; Poverty Criteria; Stratification of Poor Households; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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