The Role of Stakeholders as Moderation on the Effect of Visioning, Affiliating, Altuiristic and Autonomous on Intention to act as a Local Champion in Tourism Villages
Local champions play an important role in the development of tourism villages. This research aims to determine the influence of characteristics of local champion: visioning, affiliating, Altruistic and autonomous toward Intention to act as a Local Champion in tourism villages, which is moderated by the role of stakeholders. This quantitative research involved 115 respondents from five tourism villages in Lombok. Data was collected using questionnaire and analysed using Smart-PLS. The results show that visionary, Altruistic and autonomous have positive and significant effects on Intention to act as a Local Champion. Meanwhile, affiliating has a negative and insignificant effect. Interestingly, the role of stakeholders is unable to moderate the influence of visionary, affiliated, Altruistic and autonomous on Intention to act as a Local Champion. The current study provides recommendations for community empowerment activities, especially in tourism villages.
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