Influence of Financial Performance to Stock prices during the Covid-19 Pandemic with GDP and Inflation as a Control Variable (Case Study of Health Subsector Companies)
In research This will prove influence performance finance to price share with GDP and Inflation as a control variable. In terms of This want to test is inflation that occurred in ASEAN countries which occurred during Covid -19 can influence performance of Health subsector companies. The ratio will be used for measure performance company namely Current Ratio, DER, DAR, TATO and ROA. The population in this study are health subsector companies listed on the stock exchange the effect of each ASEAN country from the 2019-2022. Data analysis samples will be carried through multiple linear regression analysis to answer question study. The research results show that ROA and GDP influence the share prices of ASEAN companies in the health sector. Meanwhile, Current ratio, DER, DAR, TATO, inflation have no effect on share prices of ASEAN companies in the health sector. Data used is secondary data obtained from data base Osiris.
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