The Identity of Priangan Local Wisdom in Modern Batik Motif Innovation

Isma Awal Fitroh Cahyani, Andini Futy, Aufa Fadillah, Elvania Azalia Yasifa


Indonesia is a country rich in culture and customs, producing a diverse culture. This cultural diversity is passed down from generation to generation, so that its sustainability is maintained. One heritage that is still developing today is batik which has been designated by UNESCO as authentic culture from Indonesia. There are more than hundreds of batik motifs from various regions with unique styles, motifs, patterns and different techniques. Historically batik originates from the island of Java, especially Central Java. In West Java, it is known as Priangan batik, which is a term used to give identity to batik produced and made in the Priangan area. Several areas in West Java that are batik industrial areas are Bandung, Garut, Purwakarta, Sukabumi, Cianjur and Bogor. With the spirit of preserving batik, these regions try to elevate batik motifs by presenting or creating innovations in their respective new motifs and products as iconic identities of a region, elevating the philosophical meaning of motifs from objects that are developed into batik motifs or the creativity of craftsmen from that area.


Local Identity Innovation; Modern Batik Motifs; Priangan

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