Local Government Partnership Strategy in Realizing Sustainable Tourism in East Lombok Indonesia
The tourism sector in Indonesia is one of the potential sector for driving the domestic economy. One of the strengths of Indonesian tourism lies in its natural beauty. East Lombok is one of the tourism destination that has such natural beauty. Issue related to sustainable tourism development is one of the main issue in tourism development. In order to realize the principles of sustainable tourism, a partnership strategy is needed. This study aims to provide analysis, evaluation and input to policy makers in matters related to the partnership between the government and the stakeholders in realizing sustainable tourism in East Lombok. This research uses qualitative method. Primary data was obtained through in-depth interview techniques with resource persons from the Ministry of Tourism, East Lombok Regency Tourism Office, East Lombok District Government and several practitioners related to research topics. The results of this study indicate that even though there are several challenges, but the partnership carried out by the Local Government of East Lombok Regency with stakeholders in developing the tourism sector in East Lombok has been carried out. Institutional partnership with the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD), joint partnerships with associations in East Lombok Regency and Partnership between the East Lombik regional government and tourism awareness groups. Through this partnership, public ideas emerged about how to maintain tourism with the concept of sustainable tourism.
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