Balance Scorecard in Construction Services Companies
This research aims to find strategies to improve company performance and analyze strategies that PT Adhi Persada Gedung (APG) can use to enhance company performance. This is a qualitative research approach. Analysed use triangulation. The location of this research was carried out at a contractor company in Jakarta. This research uses free guided interview techniques. The informants for this research were six informants from financial perspectives, internal business processes, customers, and learning & growth, and six informants from customer perspectives (supporters). The research results show that PT Adhi Persada Gedung (APG) is trying to improve company performance by paying attention to revenue, employee performance, and customer satisfaction. PT APG is highly aware of financial asset management, customer satisfaction, and efficiency in internal processes. The strategies to improve company performance include increased revenue, customer care, emphasis on competitive prices, and employee performance. With an integrated approach, PT APG can achieve sustainable growth and remain competitive in the construction industry.
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