Types and Meaning of Mantra by Female Speakers in Social Activities in North Aceh

Nurul Auli, Mohd. Harun, Ramli Ramli


The study aims to describe the kinds of spells spoken by women in northern Aceh, and describe the meanings of the spells spelled by the women in Northern Aceh. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the research show that the kind of spells that women speak in North Aceh are lovers' spells, farmers' magic, attractiveness-enhancing, healing, tooth-strengthening, bidding, childbirth smoothing, evil-removing, blood-blooding, and energy-adding spells. The meaning of the spell contained in this female speaker's spell is lexical, reference meaning, denotation meaning, and connotation meaning. As for the conclusion, the type of female speaker spell in northern Aceh that uses the language of Aceh shows its peculiarities, the number of lines is uncertain, but its specific rhythm besides there are also some who use the Indonesian language. The meaning of spells in northern Aceh society relates to family, beauty, medicine, love, livelihood, and immunity. Besides, the meaning of the female speaker's spell in northern Aceh has a very broad and different meaning, by reading the spell itself.


Mantra, Mantra Types, Meaning, Women Speaker

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.5988


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