Analysis of the Translation that Occurs on the Metaphor Inside Celine Dion's Lirics Love Song in Indonesian Language
This study aims to analyze the translation of conceptual metaphors in song lyrics. The use of metaphor often appears in song lyrics, as well as in other figure of speech such as poetry. Researcher chose the songs of the world's Queen of Pop, namely Celine Dion, because the lyrics of her songs are known by many people and contain many deep messages through metaphors. Based on this, this research discusses types of metaphors based on Lakoff and Johnson's theory inside twenty-two of Celine Dion's hit songs back then till today. This research also examines the translation techniques used by translators, translation shift, the impact of shifting metaphors and the quality of the translation of the lyrics of these songs. Data collection uses listening, note-taking and documentation techniques. The data was later on validated through a Focus Discussion Group (FGD) by raters and the researcher. From the results of the analysis, it was found that there are structural metaphors, orientational metaphors and ontological metaphors. Structural metaphor is the type of metaphor that is most often used in these hit songs. A total of 12 translation techniques have been discovered in the process of translating the song lyrics. The shift that occurs in the type of metaphor is that orientational and ontological metaphors change to structural metaphors and each type of metaphor also changes to non-metaphor after being translated. This shift had an impact on translation quality and resulted in an average translation quality of 2.71%.
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