Developing an Intercultural Comic Book to Promote Global Citizenship Education for Elementary School Students
This study aimed to develop reading materials for fourth grade elementary school students in Sintang, West Kalimantan as a media to promote global citizenship education. Research and Development was used as the method and the data were collected through interview, questionnaire and field notes. From the data regarding to the students’ need, materials related to intercultural competences is demanded to promote students’ awareness of Global Citizenship Education and it is preferred by the students to be in a form of visual one. In order to meet the need, researchers developed an intercultural comic book as supplementary reading materials for the students. The appropriateness aspects of the developed product consist of content, language, and design. Regarding to theoretical validation by the expert, the average score was 3.7 in interval 3 ≤ X ≤ 3.9 which was considered ‘very good’. In terms for empirical validation, the product was categorized as ‘excellent’ by the teacher with the average score 4.3 in interval 4 ≤ X ≤ 5. The developed product was categorized as ‘appropriate’ after the third implementation by the students. From the teacher’s interview, the students had positive attitudes to the product and their knowledge towards intercultural competences was considered positive.
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