The Effect of Green Branding, Historical Value and Innovative Tourism Package on Willingness to Pay More at Bilebante’s Green Tourism Village

Ananda Mardiah, Akhmad Saufi


Willingness to pay more indicates the level of awareness among tourists about participating in environmental conservation activities. This study is aimed at analyzing the impacts of green branding, historical value, and innovative tourism packages on tourist willingness to pay more in Bilebante’s green tourism village. The research employs an associative and quantitative approach to study the behavior of tourists who had previously visited Bilebante’s Green Tourism Village, 120 respondents were selected using purposive sampling, and data was collected using online and offline questionnaires. The data was analyzed using the partial least squares method with the SmartPLS version 3.0 application. The results showed that green branding, historical value, and innovative tourism packages positively and significantly influence tourists’ willingness to pay more in Bilebante’s green tourism village. This implies that tourists who have awarness of the environmental issues, historical value of the innovative tourism packages will be willing to pay higher prices for tourism packages. In addition, this study provides implications for tourist village managers on how to enhance management practices and increase tourists' willingness to pay more.


Green Branding; Historical Value; Innovative Tourism Package; Willingness to Pay More

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