The Teachers Perceptions and Challenges in TEYL Elementary Schools in East Lombok Indonesia
This article are aims to identify teachers’ perception and to describe what are teachers' challenges of teaching English in elementary school. Besides, this study is use qualitative a qualitative study design as the purpose of this research is to find out the teacher perceptions of english teachers on teaching english for young learners and the subject of this study were from four teachers from four schools that teach for young English learners. As a concern, there are teachers from four elementary schools in Pringgasela district. the study concludes that teachers were not prepared to run English for Young Learner class because of (1) the lack of training for teaching young learners, (2) shortage of school facilities for teaching young learners and (3) absence of parental support. Pertaining on the second research question, i.e., what challenges do teachers face in teaching English to young learners at elementary schools, teachers faced challenges in teaching English to young learners, such as making English interesting, adapting to the curriculum, and maintaining student motivation.
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