Netizen Reception about Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Inter-group Relations Issues from Opinion Leader in New Media (Case Study: Tweet by Felix Siauw about Terrorism in Surabaya)
Opinion leader is a concept that originally comes from traditional media. However, many researchers still does not sure if the opinion leader concept can be applied to new media environment. Twitter is interesting media to study about opinion leader, because shares and likes on Twitter shows in real-time and it can be used to measure opinion climate at that exact moment. In May 2018, Indonesia got attacked by several bombing cases. We want to know how netizen’s reception on religious leader’s tweet after terrorist attacked in Surabaya. We analyses the replies of Felix Siauw’s tweet about terrorism in Surabaya on May 13th 2018 with reception concept from Stuart Hall. From 238 replies under his tweet, we found out that 122 tweets have opposed reception, 72 tweets have dominated reception, 31 negotiated tweets, and 13 tweets are irrelevant. Opposing tweet tend to use racial, ethnic, religious and inter-group relations issues. From this mini research, we know that opinion leaders in new media did not have the same power as the opinion leader in traditional media.
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