The Effectiveness of International Law in Eradicating Human Trafficking in Indonesia: Analysis of Implementation and Challenges

Hertantyo Rizki Gumilar, Joko Setiyono


Human trafficking has developed into a highly organized transnational crime. This act is one of the worst atrocities because it not only violates human rights, but also violates international law. This study aims to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of the role of international law in efforts to combat human trafficking in Indonesia using a normative legal research approach. The research found that various international legal regulations have an important role in overcoming human trafficking, especially women, especially those regulated in CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) and the UN Protocol which focuses on the Prevention, Eradication and Punishment of Human Trafficking practices, especially against women and children. In addition, Indonesia has passed domestic regulations through Law Number 21 of 2007 which regulates the Eradication of the Crime of Human Trafficking, as a legal effort to combat this crime. Even though Indonesia has ratified various international regulations related to human trafficking, especially women's trafficking, and has also implemented them through domestic regulations, obstacles to socialization in society are still the main obstacle. This causes the effectiveness of government regulations in combating human trafficking to be less than optimal. There needs to be more intensive efforts in disseminating information and understanding at the community level so that existing regulations can be implemented better.


Human Trafficking; International Law; National Legal System

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