Transportation Levels in the Lampung Province in Realizing Ordered, Safe and Smooth Transportation

Bambang Sumbogo


Transportation as the lifeblood of the nation and state carries out its function as a driver, driver and supporter of development. Transportation is a system consisting of facilities and infrastructure supported by management and human resources, forming an infrastructure network and service network. The formulation of the problem in this research is what are the Issues in the Lampung Transportation Sector? (2) What is the Transportation Sector Policy for Lampung Province? The method used is descriptive qualitative, with data sources obtained from books, articles and related journals. The results of this research are that issues in the Lampung transportation sector include several crucial aspects that need attention. First, road infrastructure is still a major concern, especially in terms of maintaining and developing a fairly extensive network. Congestion often occurs at a number of points, especially in big cities such as Bandar Lampung, due to the increase in the number of vehicles. Apart from that, public transportation services, such as buses and microbuses, also need to be improved so that they are more efficient and can better meet people's needs. Providing alternative transportation, such as river transportation, needs more attention to reduce the burden on land transportation. The transportation sector policy for Lampung Province focuses on developing infrastructure and better transportation services to increase mobility and support economic growth and community welfare. The Lampung Provincial Government focuses on building and maintaining roads, bridges and public transportation such as buses and microbuses. Apart from that, the development of river and sea transportation is also a focus to reduce congestion on land roads.


Regional Transportation Information; Infrastructure

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