Analysis of Tumpeng Values in Social Studies Learning
This research aims to analyze the values contained in the tumpeng tradition and their implementation in Social Sciences (IPS) learning at MTs Al Qur'an Terpadu Annawawi . The tumpeng tradition, which is a symbol of gratitude in Javanese society, not only has sacred value but is also educational and relevant to be taught in an educational context. A qualitative approach with ethnographic methods was used in this research to explore these values in depth through interviews, participant observation and documentation. The research results show that tumpeng contains noble values such as gratitude, togetherness, cooperation, and respect for nature and God. In the context of social studies learning, tumpeng can be used as a learning medium that teaches moral and social values, as well as enriching students' understanding of local culture. The integration of tumpeng values in social studies learning also supports multicultural education and the development of tolerance among students. This research makes a significant contribution by showing that local cultural traditions such as tumpeng can be used as an effective learning tool. This not only enriches students' knowledge of history and culture, but also instills important moral and social values in everyday life. Therefore, it is hoped that the integration of the tumpeng tradition in the social studies curriculum can create a generation with character, inclusiveness and tolerance. It is hoped that further research can expand the sample scope and further explore the implementation of the tumpeng tradition in various regions.
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