Analysis of Women's Role in Traditional Music of Leku Sene Dawan Community, TTU Regency: A Sociocultural Perspective
The traditional music of Leku Sene or known as Gong Timor Dawan is a heritage of the social and cultural life of the people of North Central Timor. This study examines the important role of women in the Leku Sene tradition, showing how they use music as a means of self-expression and social improvement in a patriarchal society. Semiotic analysis in Leku Sene's music and art shows that rhythm and melody are important elements in shaping cultural identity. The goal is to explore the sociocultural significance of the role of women in Leku Sene's music, with a Critical Discourse Analysis approach to analyze the relationship between women, music, and culture in the context of the Dawan community in TTU. Research shows that Leku Sene functions as a medium that connects and transmits beliefs so as to enrich the quality of life of the people of North Central Timor. The implications of this study on gender studies and community trust are significant. The results highlight the need to document and preserve Leku Sene music, as well as encourage women's participation in this musical tradition to strengthen the role of women. So that the development of education and training programs that emphasize women's empowerment through traditional music, as well as cooperation with the government, local communities, and educational institutions to preserve Leku Sene traditional music. This cultural heritage is certainly valuable and allows people to recognize and preserve local identities, customs, and traditions, ensuring their sustainability in a global context.
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