Law Enforcement of Plastic Surgery Operations Is Based on the Law 17 of 2023 Concerning Health

Rohadi Rohadi, Agus Triono, Fransiscus Xaverius Sumarja


Those who perform aesthetic plastic surgery, including medical personnel, in this case are doctors who specialize in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery, and the number of aesthetic plastic surgery patients in Indonesia is increasing, but the current law does not specifically regulate aesthetic plastic surgery. The formulation of the problem in this research is (1) Legal Regulations Concerning Plastic Surgery Operations in Law17 of 2023 Concerning Health (2)A Doctor's Legal Responsibility for Aesthetic Plastic Powder in Law17 of 2023 concerning HealthLegal regulations regarding aesthetic plastic surgery in Indonesia are still not specifically regulated in statutory regulations. However, this is implied in Article 137 of the Law17 of 2023 concerning Health.The legal responsibilities of a doctor in carrying out aesthetic plastic surgery that changes facial features include providing good and appropriate surgical services according to medical procedures that have been tested, providing medical information before performing plastic surgery on the face, and being responsible for the failure of a surgery due to the doctor's negligence. . If there is a violation, strict sanctions will be given in accordance with those regulated in 137 of the Law17 of 2023 concerning Health,


Plastic Surgery; Doctor's Responsibility; Regulation

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