The Translation Techniques and Shifts of Metafunctions in "Tatsachen über Deutschland"

Monica Melinda Putri Susanti, Mangatur Nababan, Tri Wiratno


Ideational and textual meanings in systemic functional linguistics are related with texts with non-fiction genre and written register. Both are essential to discover how the style of delivery. However, no languages have identical linguistic system. Thus, the translation of metafunction meaning is prone to its shifts. The types of shifts will vary and this situation is caused by the types of translation techniques utilized by the translator. This research aims to describe the translation techniques and its shifts of ideational and textual meaning in the book “Tatsachen über Deutschland”, published in 2023, into Indonesian. The paradigm and the location were qualitative and media. Systemic functional linguistics and translation were the approach. In all nine chapters of this book, the data analysis was in the form of lingual unit and involved two raters from purposive sampling. The data was obtained through document analysis method. The result showed that there were in total 12 techniques and the four most employed techniques were established equivalent, paraphrase, compensation and amplification. The result of this translation techniques was various shifts in the category of interdependence, transitivity and thematization. Most of the clauses shifted in these three categories. The tendence of shift in interdependence was from simplex clauses to complex clauses. After that, the marked topical theme was the most shifted theme and usually changed to unmarked topical theme. Lastly, the most frequently shifted process was the existential process and it altered to material process and relational identifying process. So, this was the research. The subsequent research in metafunction is looked forward.


Metafunction; Translation Techniques; Translation Shifts

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