Creation of the "Track Record " Dance: Representation of Traumatic Experiences as a Media for Psychological Healing in Parenting
The creation of the dance "Track Record" by Faet Oktadea Rahmat is a dance work that represents traumatic experiences as a medium for psychological healing in the context of parenting. This dance was produced from a process of choreographic exploration based on the dance artist's personal experience regarding the harsh parenting style applied by his parents. Through expressive dance movements, this work aims to depict and process emotions and traumatic experiences, so that it can be a means of catharsis and healing for both the artist and the audience. It is also hoped that this work will provide an understanding that harsh parenting styles, although they can cause trauma, can also shape a child's character to become stronger and more resilient. The research and creation of this dance work uses research-artistic methods, which combine qualitative research with the process of choreographic improvisation. With this approach, dance artists explore and utilize their empirical experience to create dance movements that are not only artistic but also therapeutic. It is hoped that the dance work "Rekam Traces" can contribute to the field of contemporary dance and offer a new perspective on the use of traumatic experiences as a source of creative inspiration and a medium for psychological healing.
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