Disciplinary Development of Police Members (Case Study on Members of the Bekasi Regency Metro Police Range Who Indicated Using Narcotics)
This research aims to explore disciplinary guidance and coaching for problematic police personnel, particularly within the Bekasi Regency Metro Police, to enhance professionalism aligned with organizational values. Employing qualitative evaluation, the study reveals the significance of professionalism in ensuring effective discipline among Indonesian National Police members, thus fostering adherence to regulations and disciplined policing. Utilizing Government Regulation Number 2 of 2003 as a disciplinary enforcement framework, the research integrates legal norms and disciplinary principles while highlighting the pivotal role of the provost within the police structure. In the context of Southeast Asia, the study underscores the inefficacy of handling problematic police personnel due to challenges in policy communication, resource allocation, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. Addressing limitations, the research focuses solely on police officers involved in narcotics cases, signaling broader structural challenges within the police force. Consequently, internal discipline development is crucial for enhancing police performance and bolstering public trust.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i5.5824
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