Orphan Children’s School Performance, Hindering Challenges and the Role of the School (In The Case Of Some Selected Primary Schools in Iluababor Zone, Ethiopia)
The study investigated Orphan Children’s School Performance, Hindering Challenges and the Role of the School in primary schools of Ilubabor zone. In this study descriptive survey design with mixed method was employed. The primary source of the data were 50 orphan children’s, 50 non orphan children’s, 70 subject matter teachers, seven school principals and were selected using simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques respectively. Questionnaire, interview, observation and class test were major data gathering tools in this study. The collected data were analyzed quantitative using percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation and t-test. On the other hand, the qualitative data were presented by using descriptive narration. The finding of the study revealed that, there was statistically significant school performance difference between orphaned and non- orphaned children in primary schools of Iluababor zone, t (100) = -0.169, p < .05. The challenges identified were lack of food, high labor demand from those who are living with them, lack of parental love, lack of school uniforms and learning materials, behavioral and emotional problems, feelings of isolation, rejection, unhappiness and shame, poor self-esteem and lack of confidence, high levels of sensitivity when playing with other learner, sickness and become weak as well, not attending school regularly and come to school with dirty clothes. The result also indicated that, 1) there were no efforts are made by schools, educational stakeholders and the government to eradicate the challenges facing orphaned students and to foster academic performance of orphaned children, 2) No academic and financial support provide to orphaned students in their respective classes, 3) No plan of action for the enhancement of a good school performance to orphaned children and 4) No established strategies to support the orphaned children financially or make close connection with educational stakeholders and Non-Governmental Organizations to support the orphaned children 5) No identified person in school to help, follow and monitor orphaned learners, 6) No remedial actions designed for Orphaned children attending education in your school, 7) No regular meeting with parents to discuss about Orphaned children’s related issues, and 8) No mechanisms put in place to ensure an equal and friendly environment for all the children in the school irrespective of their unique characteristics. Finally, based on the major findings the following recommendations were forwarded by the researcher.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.582
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