Analysis of Determining Factors that Influence the Work Discipline of SMPN Teachers in Kauman District, Ponorogo Regency
This research is motivated by the results of observations related to Teacher work discipline in the SMPN environment in Kauman District which shows that there are still teachers who are late and do not immediately enter the class during the change of lesson hours. Increasing the discipline of an educational institution, especially in the State Junior High School in the Kauman Ponorogo District, is necessary so that the school's graduation products can be accounted for. There are several factors that determine teacher work discipline including; 1) Punishment, 2) Motivation, 3) Exemplary Leader (Principal Leadership), 4) Conducive social environment and 5) Comfortable physical environment. The objectives to be achieved in this study: 1) To describe and analyze whether motivation has a significant effect on the work discipline of SMPN teachers in Kauman District, Ponorogo Regency. 2) To describe and analyze whether leadership has a significant effect on the work discipline of junior high school teachers in Kauman District, Ponorogo Regency. 3) To describe and analyze whether the work environment has a significant effect on the work discipline of junior high school teachers in Kauman District, Ponorogo Regency. 4) To describe and analyze whether motivation, Principal Leadership and work environment have a significant effect on the work discipline of SMPN teachers in Kauman District. This research uses a quantitative approach with an ex post facto type. The population in this study were 48 junior high school teachers in Kauman Ponorogo District. The sample technique used is saturated sample. So that the sample in this study amounted to 48 people. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. While the data analysis technique uses simple and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show: 1) Work motivation has a significant effect on the work discipline of SMPN teachers in Kauman Ponorogo District by 56.3%. While 43.7% is influenced by several other factors that are not in the discussion of this study. 2) Principal leadership has a significant effect on the work discipline of junior high school teachers in Kauman Ponorogo District by 26.4%. While 73.6% is influenced by several other factors that are not in the discussion of this study. 3) The work environment affects the work discipline of SMPN teachers in Kauman Ponorogo District by 43.1% while 56.9% is influenced by several other factors. 4) Work motivation, Principal leadership and work environment of SMPN teachers in Kauman Ponorogo District amounted to 56.8%. While 43.2% is influenced by several other factors that are not in the discussion of this study.
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