Darakbang Evangelization Movement in South Korea is Heretical According to Liberal Theologians and Religious Pluralists Perspectives
This article aims to examine the theological perspective used by theologians of South Korean churches who regard the Darakbang Evanglisation Movement (DEM) as a heresy. The problem is that Korean evangelical missionaries in Indonesia and some Indonesian evangelical theologians without conducting their own research are eager to spread the bad news that Darakbang is a heresy. Based on the content analysis method, it was found that DEM was decided by Korean churches to be a heresy based on the perspective of liberal theology and religious pluralism. They do not recognise the inerrancy of the Bible, the deity of Jesus, the remnant, the redemptive mission, angelology, satanology and the occult, let alone the worldwide evangelism that Darakbang emphasises, just as Evangelicals and/or Reformed teach. Embarrassingly, some Korean theologians and/or missionaries and Indonesian evangelical theologians use the research results of South Korean liberal and pluralist theologians that are not objective as a weapon to pass judgement on the evangelical and/or Reformed DEM. This paper is an input for evangelical theologians to conduct their own research on the Darakbang Evanglisation Movement from a Reformed and/or evangelical perspective.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i5.5808
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