The Influence of Brand Image and Perceived Ease of Using Ovo E-Wallet in Shopping at Tokopedia in Surabaya

Fedianty Augustinah, Damajanti Sri Lestari, Sarwani Sarwani, Jauha Rotul Afidah


The objective of this research endeavor is to evaluate the combined and cumulative impact of the OVO e-wallet's brand image and perceived usability on the purchasing experience at Tokopedia in Surabaya. Quantitative causal research techniques were utilized in this study. The research sample comprised 100 respondents who were recruited through a questionnaire. These respondents were chosen from the community of Tokopedia customers who frequently used the OVO e-wallet for payment reasons in January 2023. The Cochran method was employed to calculate the sample size from an undisclosed total population, which required the employment of a non-probability sampling technique to get participants. Furthermore, do a comprehensive study of the data by employing several statistical tests such as the F test, coefficient of determination test, classical assumption test, and multiple linear regression analysis test. The research findings indicate that the choice to utilize the OVO e-wallet for transactions at Tokopedia in Surabaya is influenced by two factors: the general reputation of the brand and the perceived simplicity of its usage.


Brand Image; Perceived Convenience; Use of OVO E-Wallet

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