Legal Protection of Students Victims of Violence from a Victimology Perspective

Muhtadli Muhtadli, Misgi Puji Astuti, Subagio Subagio, Dauri Dauri


This research aims to examine violations of constitutional rights in relation to the science of victimology, because the view of victimology is that every crime victim must be protected by law. In fact, there is still a lot of violence, especially in the world of education, against children in Islamic boarding schools. Legally, in the provisions of Article 54 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection, it is stated that children in the school environment must be protected from acts of violence. carried out by teachers, school administrators, or friends at the school concerned, or other educational institutions. Various forms of violence in the school environment pose a threat to the implementation of education in Indonesia. The forms of legal protection provided in the educational process in Islamic boarding schools are protection of children from ignorance, protection of children from violence, protection of physical and mental health, protection of children's freedom, protection of students in educational units. Then it is implemented with the Child Friendly School or Child Friendly Islamic Boarding School program. However, this program has not yet been fully achieved because outreach has not been evenly distributed to Islamic boarding schools in South Lampung Regency. The form of law enforcement against unprotected children in Islamic boarding schools is through preventive and repressive measures. Preventive actions carried out by the South Lampung Regency Child and Protection Unit through the National Bimnas Unit carried out appeals and outreach to schools and the community, including Islamic boarding schools, regarding child protection. The next repressive action taken is that if a report is received, the Women and Child Protection Unit will act according to established procedures and carry out it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. However, law enforcement against student violence still occurs quite a lot, due to obstacles for law enforcers in taking action both in preventive and repressive efforts.


Violence; Children; Legal Protection

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