BUMDes Marketing Strategy to Encourage the Success of Tourism Villages
BUMDes or Village-Owned Enterprises have brought a village to national level achievement. The Ketapanrame Tourism Village is managed by BUMDes and has succeeded in obtaining high achievements in terms of utilizing the potential of natural beauty.The implementation of marketing strategies that have been carried out is a very important phenomenon to explain. This study focuses attention on the question “"How can the marketing strategy successfully implemented by BUMDes bring a village with the potential for natural beauty to achieve national level achievement?"To answer this question, a qualitative approach was used through a case study of Ketapanrame Village Tourism. A series of observations on social media platforms and a series of interviews with tourism managers as representatives of BUMDes managers. The research results show that there are several factors that are the reasons for the successful implementation of tourism village marketing strategies. These factors include: participating in exhibitions as a form of non-digital promotion, utilizing social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and YouTube) as digital promotional media, and participating in award events or championships to measure institutional quality in providing facilities and infrastructure. This study emphasizes the need to implement tourism village marketing strategies by BUMDes managers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i7.5779
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