Buying and Selling Weapons of Mass Destruction from the Perspective of Islamic jurisprudence
The purchase and sale of weapons of mass destruction is the issue of this research, the main question of the research is, "What is the view of Islamic jurisprudence about the primary and secondary rulings of trading these types of weapons?" This research, Baroosh Ijtihadi, argumentative and analytical has given an answer to this question, based on which it can be said that from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, buying and selling weapons of mass destruction (such as nuclear, microwave, chemical weapons, except for their new generation) due to the sanctity of donations, are instruments of corruption. , harm, corruption, extravagance and the principles of preserving the lives of animals and other creatures of the world and the environment, even in case of emergency and reciprocation, are prohibited. The point of view that buying and selling it for the purpose of defense, deterrence, in case of emergency and retaliating is considered permissible and is inconsistent with the principles and foundations of Islamic Jihad. Therefore, from the point of view of Islamic jurisprudence, buying and selling it is forbidden.
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