The Legal Status of the Customary Law of the Doreri Tribe in the Manokwari Regency within the Statehood of the Republic of Indonesia
The Customary Village is designated by the Regional Regulation of the District/City, which serves as the juridical basis for the recognition of customary law by the community. However, currently, only 2 (two) regencies in the West Papua Province have legitimized this by enacting a Regional Regulation. Based on this gap, this research aims to analyze the legal status of the customary law of the Doreri tribe in Manokwari Regency within the statehood of the Republic of Indonesia. The research method used is socio legal research. The results indicate that, at present, the legal status of the customary law of the Doreri tribe is not in accordance with the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Therefore, the customary law of the Doreri tribe lacks a strong juridical foundation because the Doreri tribe only has an association, namely the Empowerment Body for Doreri Community and Youth, with a deed issued by a Notary. This cannot serve as a strong legal basis as it is not recognized as a customary village or a unit of recognized customary law community but only as a legally sanctioned association. Therefore, it is expected that in the future, the Local Government of Manokwari Regency, especially the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of the Regency, will propose a Regional Regulation (Raperda) regarding the recognition of the customary law community of the Doreri tribe.
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