The Role of Shubuh Prayer in Building Readiness and Independence of Elementary School Children
This research aims to determine the increase in understanding of the morning prayer regarding the alertness and independence of students studying in elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative approach to describe the problems and focus of the research. Qualitative methods are approaches that intend to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects. This research was carried out for one month, namely on 03 - 31 August 2023 at the Bunda Mentrai Pocis 3 Foundation Rt 01 / Rw 01 BAkti Jaya Village, Setu District, South Tanggerang City, participants in the implementation of this PKM were the entire community, including children, parents and elementary school teachers. The process of improving and understanding morning prayers in children is very important because not only does it build a sense of independence in elementary school children, but it also helps them prepare for all their work needs at school. Teachers are expected to be able to help implement the 5 daily prayers for their students, such as carrying out midday prayers in congregation if it is not time to go home from school. The results achieved include an increase in children's interest in carrying out morning prayers in congregation at the prayer room, as well as the success of several children in performing the five daily prayers in an istiqamah manner. The processes carried out to achieve this goal include conducting studies on the understanding of morning prayers, friendship with parents, and collaboration with elementary school teachers.
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